A significant other isn't like a pet, although you should probably get used to the smell of their shit and making sure that they're fed ever day. Going on walks together is pretty nice too. Never mind, they are sort of like pets. But it turns out there's slightly more to it than that.
A month ago the New York Times ran a long think-piece entitled 'What Is It About 20-Somethings?', they said it was OK that we're maturing slower than ever, but is it really OK? Probably not.
It's been far too long since the righteous freedom loving warrior that is the Agony Uncle last dropped some knowledge bombs in the war on women's emotional terror. But he's back, and he's here to set things straight again. Straight regulate. Mount up.
You may have read Bob Foster's article about Lil Wayne in which he gives props to Weezy for being a genuine weirdo but I say fuck that guy, you really need to get learned about my boy Lil' B.